Hello friends and welcome to Obsidian Soft,

In today’s MIT App Inventor tutorial, I will teach you a simple and easy way of writing to a Google sheet from an MIT App Inventor App. 

Some apps require data to be written to a spreadsheet instead of a database like CloudDB. Take the example of a quiz app that you have developed for your students (I have already taught you how to make quiz apps). Now, you may want to know how your students are performing in the quiz so you can write code in your quiz app that whenever a person takes the quiz, the score is written to a Google sheet which you can view at any time to look at the scores of the students.

So, today, I will teach you how your app can easily write to a Google sheet.

First of all, we need a Google sheet so create one by going to:


Click on the big + and create a blank Google sheet. A new spreadsheet will open. Change the name from “Untitled Spreadsheet” on top to “Students”. Now go to the menu. You will find Tools there. Click on it and choose the “Create a new form” option.

We need to change the questions to the kind of data coming in from the MIT App Inventor app. In this tutorial, I will be sending students’ names and ages. If you have an email address in it by default chosen in it, you need to remove that question by going to settings ->defaults ->form defaults ->Do not collect email address

Look below at the screenshot

Now, go back to questions and add questions for name and age.

For both questions, choose a short answer as the answer type. 

Click on the Publish button on the top and choose manage option from the dialog that opens up.

The share permissions dialog will open up where you have to change General access to “Anyone with link”. Click on Done button.

After this, click on the publish button on the dialog.

At any time, if you accidentally close the form, you can open it again for editing by going to Tools in your “Students” spreadsheet menu

Tools -> Manage Form -> Edit form

Now, create a new project in MIT App Inventor. Call it StudentData.

Drag and drop a horizontal arrangement from Layouts onto the Viewer.  Make align horizontal and align vertical center. Make height 10% and width fill parent. Put a label and textBox from User Interface inside it. This is for the student’s name so name them appropriately: nameLbl and nameTxt. Duplicate the horizontal arrangement by pressing Ctrl  + C and Ctrl + V for Windows OR Command + C and Command +  V for MacOS. Make changes for Age.

Add a button for submit from User Interface.

From Connectivity, drag and drop a Web component onto the viewer.

Our basic screen design is done so go to the blocks section.

When submitBtn is clicked, we want to send the user-entered data to the Google sheet so get the click event.

Get web1’s seturl block. And put a join in it. Add three more slots in it.

Now, follow me very carefully.

Go back to the form that you created using Spreadsheet. If you accidentally closed it, you can open it again by going to Tools in your spreadsheet

Tools -> Manage Form -> Edit form

Inside your form, you will have those 3 dots next to send button. Click on those dots and choose Get prefilled link.

Another browser window will open up. Copy the link from the browser window.

Paste this link in the set Web1.url block in submitBtn click event.

Replace the word prefill with the word formResponse. Type it exactly in this way:


Now, we need something more from the form.

Go back to the form and provide some values for name and age and press getlink button.

Copy and paste the new link in some text file as we need the two entry codes for both inputs i.e. name and age.

We will get something like this (I have deleted some letters from this address as this points to a Google Sheet on my account: you will have to use your own Google Sheet for your project)


Copy and paste the first information about entry &entry.1932012884= in the second slot

Replace & by ?:

This replacement only has to be done for the first entry and not for subsequent entries. (Your code will be different. This is just for example)

In the third slot, get the nameTxtBox.text block (whatever user has entered as the name)

In the fourth slot, copy and paste the information about second entry i.e. &entry ( numbers from link)=

In the fifth slot, get the ageTxtBox.text block (whatever user has entered as the age)

At the end, call web’s get procedure.

Try the app, and you will see that data is added in the spreadsheet in a sheet called form responses 1 inside your main spreadsheet Students.

I hope you liked this class and found this method of writing data to a Google Sheet super easy. 

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