How to Write Numbers

Number recognition and counting are the first lessons that children usually learn when they start structured learning. These are the first steps and they even come before learning the English alphabets or script of some other language. Once the children can recognize numbers and count up to 10, the next step is writing down these numbers. 
Each number has to be drawn/written in a certain order and this is called number formation. I am hoping that the following printable chart will help you in teaching your children how to write numbers. 

This formation order is important and this has to be corrected in the beginning so that the children don’t face any difficulty when they have to write more and have to go faster. All possible numbers are a combination of these 10 digits i.e. 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Download the high quality, printable PDF format of the chart along with 11 worksheets for practicing writing from here 👇

Download Chart and Worksheets

While your children are learning about numbers, do check out my FREE counting game: Countville.  It is a sure way for children to have fun while they are learning to count and recognize numbers. It is 100% FREE with no subscription and no in-app purchases. Children can build cow pastures, chicken coops, apple orchards, fish ponds, etc. and can learn to count while performing cute tasks to help their farmer friend. 

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