Hello Friends,
How are your Halloween decorations coming up this year? I am sure that most of you may have started decorating your front yards as soon as October started. I am a fan of horror movies; Halloween decorations such as lit-up pumpkins and floating cloth ghosts fascinate me immensely.
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Children are particularly fascinated by Halloween. Ghosts, pumpkins, bats, monsters, and witches on broomsticks are perfect for attracting any child’s attention. Hence, I thought that I should make their process of learning multiplication tables more interesting and exciting by creating these Halloween-themed multiplication tables charts. I have put four tables on each page so that the children aren’t overwhelmed. The first page is perfect for kindergarten to grade 1 children as multiplication tables of 1-4 are usually covered in the early years. Just print them out on A4-sized paper and put them up on their cupboard or wall where they can see it clearly and revise daily.
I hope your children have a lot of fun learning their multiplication tables with their favorite scary characters.
If your children are new to multiplication, then please check out my introduction to multiplication worksheets here where I explain in detail the relationship between multiplication and repeated addition.
You can also use my voice-enabled multiplication flashcards app for practicing multiplication. It is available for free on Google Play Store. Children can speak the answer and go hand-free. So, they can be coloring in their favorite coloring book while answering multiplication facts using my innovative, free app.
Halloween vector created by vectorpocket – www.freepik.com
Halloween vector created by freepik – www.freepik.com