Hello friends and welcome to Obsidian Soft,

In this tutorial, I will teach you how to make a very easy but cute balloon pop game in MIT App Inventor. We will be using image sprites on a canvas.

Open up MIT App Inventor.

Start a new project. Call it BalloonPopGame.

Make screen orientation: portrait.

Upload media for balloon image, balloon pop sound, background music, and background image. Following are the links for this media:





Balloon pop sound:


Background Music:


Give credit to the background music in the following away in your app if you publish it:

Monkeys Spinning Monkeys Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)

Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License


Drag and drop a canvas component from the Drawing and Animation palette onto the viewer.

Make the background image the picture that we uploaded in media for background.

Make height 80% and width fill parent.

Drag and drop an image sprite component from the Drawing and Animation palette onto the canvas. Rename it to balloonSprite. Make height: 167 pixels and width: 75 pixels.

Choose the uploaded balloon image as the picture.

Keep it enabled. Make heading 90, which means that it will move towards the top of the screen.

It is very important that you uncheck the rotates checkbox. And, we will change the speed in our code.

Select the balloonSprite and press Ctrl + C and Ctrl+ V on the keyboard for Windows OR  Command + C and Command + V on the keyboard for MacOS. Drag the balloon to a new position. We will give it the actual position in the code.

Do it as many times as you want. I believe 5-6 is a good number.

Drag and drop a horizontal arrangement below the canvas.

Make align horizontal and align vertical both center.

Drag and drop a label inside this horizontal arrangement. Rename it to scoreLbl. Make font bold and font size 20

Change text to Score: 0. 

Drag and drop a button next to this label. Rename it to startBtn. Change the background color to orange. Make font bold and font size 20

Change text to Start. 

Drag and drop a sound component from the Media palette onto the viewer. The sound component is for sound effects so choose the balloon pop sound as the source.

Drag and drop a player component from the Media palette onto the viewer. The Player component is for playing longer music files so choose the background music as source. Check the loop checkbox for the player component. This will repeat the music when it ends. 

The screen design is done so let’s go to the blocks section.

Instead of coding the behavior of each balloon separately, we will use abstraction to reduce the amount of code that is repeated for each balloon sprite. Instead of repeating code 5-6 times, abstraction allows us to initialize and set the behavior all at once when the game is started. Also, we don’t need to write the “pop” code for each balloon separately. 

Don’t be overwhelmed. Once you understand abstraction, you can reduce the size of your code substantially and code change will also become easier. For this, we need a global list of balloons. So, make a balloonList and a score variable and initialize the score variable to 0.

When the screen is initialized, we have to start background music and add the balloon sprites to our balloonList.

Now, we need a custom procedure for giving a random position to our balloon towards the bottom of the canvas and also a random speed between 2 and 5. We will use abstraction here and use any component blocks that you can find in the following way:

So, make a custom procedure where the input is a balloon sprite.

Give it a random X position between 10 and (canvas.width-10)

Give it a Y position of canvas.height + 150

And give it a random speed between 2 and 5.

When the start button is clicked, we have to reset the score variable to 0 and make sure that the scoreLbl also shows 0 again. Now, we have to make all our balloon sprites reset too using our custom procedure so use the For each item block from Control and call the custom procedure for each item which is actually a balloon imageSprite.

Now, you will see the further power of abstraction. If we hadn’t been using any component blocks, we would have had to write touched and edge reached code for all our balloon sprites but now we have to do it only once using when any imagesprite event blocks. So, when any image sprite is touched, we play our pop sound effect, optionally vibrate the device for 200 milliseconds, increase the score, update the score on the screen using the scoreLbl and also give a random position to the balloon popped so that it will look as if it actually popped and disappeared (in reality it will just appear at a different place)

Last but not least, we will use when any image sprite edged reached event from Any component to check if the component (balloon) has floated up to the top of the canvas (edge =1) and we will just call our custom random position procedure for that balloon i.e. component.

And this cute and easy balloon pop game is done.

I hope you liked this tutorial. Happy Coding!

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